Titles of the Messiah

Church Educational System
Isaiah’s messianic prophecy continues in 2 Nephi 19:1–7

Israel, who sat in darkness, would see “a great light” (v. 2) when Jesus came to earth and broke the yoke of Israel’s spiritual burden (see v. 4).

The titles given to the Messiah in verse 6 signify his service to mankind. He is the wonder of the ages and a counselor in the ways of eternal life (see Jacob 4:10). He who was born in a lowly manger is Jehovah, the “Mighty God” (2 Nephi 19:6) of Israel come to earth. Those who have faith in Christ and covenant with the Lord in the waters of baptism become his children and he becomes their “Everlasting Father” (v. 6, see also Mosiah 5:7). When the Messiah was born, the angels sang “peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14) because the “Prince of Peace” (2 Nephi 19:6), even “the founder of peace” (Mosiah 15:18), had come to earth. His government and peace will last forever.

Book of Mormon Student Manual (1996 Edition)
