“Butter and Honey Shall He Eat”

Brant Gardner

“Honey and butter” are symbolic of harmony, meekness, peace, and prosperity. The butter mentioned here is made from sheep and goat’s milk. In the East cow’s milk is seldom used for drinking or for butter. Only the poor and the strangers depend on it for milk and butter and other milk products. The rich and those who are well-to-do drink sheep and goat’s milk, and use the butter made from the sheep milk…" (Lamsa, George. Old Testament Light. p. 631.)

The reference here is to a time of peace and prosperity. The failure of the initiative of the Syro-Israel alliance will give Judah a time of prosperity. This time of prosperity is specifically linked to the child not because of the child, but because the typical life events of the child will mark the timeframe of the prophecy.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
