“Here Am I Send Me”

K. Douglas Bassett

(Isa. 6:8; 1 Sam. 3:4–8; Abr. 3:27; Gen. 22:1.)

“The door of history turns on small hinges,” and so do people’s lives.
Fathers, grandfathers, are we reading to our sons and grandsons the word of the Lord? Returned missionaries, do your messages and your lives inspire others to stand up and serve? Brethren, are we sufficiently in tune with the Spirit that when the Lord calls, we can hear, as did Samuel, and declare, “Here am I”? Do we have the fortitude and the faith, whatever our callings, to serve with unflinching courage and unshakable resolve? When we do, the Lord can work His mighty miracles through us.

(Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, Nov. 1992, 48.)

There is a great need for many more missionaries, including couples, as President Hinckley in his February 21, 1998, satellite broadcast said: ‘With concerted effort, with recognition of the duty that falls upon each of us as members of the Church, and with sincere prayer to the Lord for help, we could double the number’ of convert baptisms… .
There is not a work of greater importance or of greater joy and reward that we could do at this time… .
I believe our Heavenly Father and I trust Him, and when He reveals to us, speaking through our living prophet today, that we need to do more, and more of us need to become involved in the work of bringing souls unto Christ, then we need to step forward and say, “Here am I; send me” (Isa. 6:8).

(H. Bruce Stucki, Ensign, Nov. 1999, 44.)

Commentaries on Isaiah: In the Book or Mormon
