2 Nephi 16:2 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
[ 1ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPRST|And MQ] [above 1MQ|Above ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPRST] it stood the seraphims

Isaiah 6:2 (King James Bible) above it stood the seraphims

For verse 2 the 1905 LDS edition added an and—capitalized, of course, since it begins the verse. This change is a conscious one since it involves capitalizing the and and changing the initial A of Above to lowercase. The abruptness of starting a sentence with a prepositional phrase (“above it”) may have played a role, but another factor may have been the fact that the two following verses, each typeset as a separate paragraph (numbered and indented), began with a capitalized And:

The 1911 LDS edition was set from the 1905 edition and continued this intrusive and in verse 2, but the 1920 LDS edition dropped it since neither the earliest editions nor the King James Bible had it.

Summary: Maintain in 2 Nephi 16:2 the original text without any initial and; this reading without the and agrees with the King James text.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 2
