Feminine Ornaments

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

In this section a very complete list of feminine jewelry and ornaments is furnished by the prophet. We notice "tinkling ornaments," probably rings worn on the feet; "cauls," nets, or perhaps diadems; "round tires," necklaces (v. 18); "chains, bracelets and mufflers;" probably, earnings, bracelets and veils (v. 19); "ornaments of the legs," chains connecting the legs, to prevent the wearer from taking too long steps when walking; "headbands, tablets, and ear-rings," (v. 20), also translated, "girdles, perfume bottles and amulets, or charms;" "glasses," (v. 20) means "mirrors." The Lord would cause all these to be removed. Instead of finery there would be the misery of women in slavery, even "burning instead of beauty" (v. 24), which evidently refers to the mark of the cruel brand-iron on slaves. To these sufferings would be added the agony of seeing the men in every grade of society swept away by war. In the gates (v. 26) where, under normal conditions, business was transacted and affairs of state and communities discussed, lamentations and mourning were heard. Zion, desolate, was sitting in the dust on the ground.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
