“Rich As to the Things of the World”

Jana Reiss

The Book of Mormon makes many pronouncements against the rich, not because riches are inherently wicked, but because they lead so easily to the pride that causes people to imagine they are superior to others. Riches also engender the kinds of social inequalities and oppression that the Book of Mormon decries. As this verse points out, people can take no material things with them into the next life, so it is far better to focus on the riches that are eternal. See also verse 51. Verses 50 and 51 are almost a verbatim quotation from the prophet Isaiah (see Isaiah 55:1-2 for comparison). This Book of Mormon passage echoes Isaiah’s invitation for those who are spiritually thirsty to come to the Lord, who supplies lasting sustenance “without price.” This does not mean simply that the spiritual nourishment comes free of charge, but that it is also literally priceless and precious.

The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated & Explained
