“Their Wisdom Is Foolishness and It Profiteth Them Not”

Brant Gardner

Jacob's statements about learning provide a continuing and profound message for all ages, and particularly today's world where knowledge of the world around us is greater than ever before. Jacob makes certain to include the understanding that learning is good (verse 29). He does not qualify the type of learning. Jacob does not say that it is good to learn one thing but not another.

Jacob's caution for those who have knowledge is against their own pride, not the information itself. It is not the knowledge, but our presumption of self that becomes the problem. When we are sufficiently learned that we exalt our knowledge not only above other people, but above God, then we have erred. Then our "wisdom is foolishness and... profiteth [us] not (v. 28).

Jacob clearly tells us that learning is good, but that it must be tempered with an understanding of our God, and our place before Him.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
