“They Must Repent and Be Baptized in His Name, Having Perfect Faith in the Holy One of Israel”

Monte S. Nyman

The fourth major point made by Jacob was how to get the benefit of the Atonement in our lives. There are two basic things required for the Atonement to be effective in our lives: (1) we must repent and be baptized (by a legal administrator), and (2) we must have perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel (v. 23). To have perfect faith is to accept that Christ does know all of our sins and did vicariously suffer for them. Without such faith, we have not fully accepted Jesus as our Redeemer and will be damned. To be damned is to have our progression stopped. We will not have place in the Celestial kingdom of God (v. 24), but will be given a degree of glory for which we are prepared.

Jacob gives another category of people upon whom the Atonement will have an effect, those who were given no law (v. 25). The Atonement satisfies the demands of justice upon those who lived without opportunity for the law of Christ (v. 26). Although Jacob does not qualify the people who receive no law, there are three groups within the no law category. Joseph Smith was shown that “all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven” (D&C 137:10; see also 18:41; 20:71). This age is “eight years old” (D&C 68:25). The Lord made a covenant with Abraham: “And I will establish a covenant of circumcision with thee, and it shall be my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations; that thou mayest know for ever that children are not accountable before me until they are eight years old” (JST, Genesis 17:11). Mormon taught that “all little Children are alive in Christ” (Moroni 8:22). The same doctrine was taught to the Jerusalem disciples: “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them and pray. And the disciples rebuked them, saying, There is no need, for Jesus hath said, Such shall be saved” (JST, Matthew 19:13).

Those who are mentally handicapped are also covered by the Atonement. Mormon also told his son Moroni that “all they that are without the law” are alive in Christ (Moroni 8:22). In a revelation to Joseph Smith, the Lord said:

46 But behold, I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten;
47 Wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me;
48 For it is given unto them even as I will, according to mine own pleasure, that great things may be required at the hand of their fathers.
49 And, again, I say unto you, that whoso having knowledge, have I not commanded to repent?
50 And he that hath no understanding, it remaineth in me to do according as it is written. And now I declare no more unto you at this time. Amen. [D&C 29:46–50]

The third group is those who live in an environment where the gospel is not accessible, or “they who died without law” (D&C 76:72). Jacob’s statement seems directed to this group. He says “they are restored to that God who gave them breath, which is the Holy One of Israel” (v. 26). That this group will have an opportunity to accept the gospel in the spirit world will not be discussed at this time.

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Nephi Wrote This Record
