“The words of Isaiah, Which May Be Likened Unto You”

Monte S. Nyman

The observations of Jacob that Isaiah spoke concerning all the house of Israel is later substantiated by the Savior when he visited the Nephites and explained “that when they shall be fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people, O house of Israel” (3 Nephi 20:11–12). The passage that Jacob quoted, Isaiah 49:22–23, had been quoted by Nephi earlier (1 Nephi 21:22– 23). Nephi likened the passage unto the house of Israel in this land (America). Jacob now likened the passage unto the Jews in Jerusalem (see comments below). Both Jacob and Nephi use the phrase “liken (or likened) unto” (1 Nephi 19:23). It may appear that Jacob and Nephi are applying the scriptures and not giving the literal interpretation. However, Jacob’s reasoning “for ye are of the House of Israel” (v. 5) suggests otherwise. It is more likely that Isaiah’s prophecies are dual, the same prophecies will happen to various branches of the house of Israel. Jacob declares that Isaiah spoke many such prophecies (v. 5). This is verified by Jesus when he quoted other verses of Isaiah and likened them unto the Lamanites (Isaiah 52:8–10; 3 Nephi 16:18–20), and unto the Jews (Isaiah 52:8–10; 3 Nephi 20:32, 35).

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Nephi Wrote This Record
