“And He Joseph Shall Be Great Like Unto Moses”

Alan C. Miner

If Joseph Smith had written the Book of Mormon, one of the more preposterous claims that he would have had to propose to the world would be found in 2 Nephi 3. Here we find a prophecy directly linking and comparing a latter-day “Joseph” [Smith] with Moses:

And he [the modern-day Joseph] shall be great like unto Moses, whom I have said I would raise up unto you [the ancient Joseph of Egypt], to deliver my people, O house of Israel.

Not only would this comparison with Moses be a very tough hurdle for anyone, but it becomes doubly tough when taken together with another prophecy wherein a Prophet (Jesus Christ) was also “like unto” Moses (see 1 Nephi 22:20-21).

Thus, according to Almon Fackrell, if Joseph Smith really is who he says he is, and the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith should not only be “like unto” Moses, but “like unto” Jesus Christ. Towards this end, Fackrell lists 51 parallels relating to all three persons (see illustration). The following is a list of 22 out of the total of 51 parallels made by Almon Fackrell relating to Moses, Jesus, and Joseph Smith:

1. Moses, Jesus, and Joseph Smith are known all over the world; and millions believe they are prophets of God. (See World Almanac p. 718.)

2. For hundreds of years before their lives, the people of Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith experienced a period of spiritual darkness. There were no prophets to receive revelation; direct communication from God had ceased. (Moses* See Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6-7 and Exodus 12:40. Jesus* See Mark 7:6-9. Joseph Smith* See Mark 3:24; 2 Corinthians 14:33; J.S. History 1:18-19)

3. Moses, Jesus, and Joseph each ended the period of spiritual darkness. They ordained other prophets so that direct communication from God would continue again. (M* Numbers 27:18-23; Amos 3:7. J* Ephesians 4:11-14. JS* D&C preface; Article of Faith #6, #9)

4. An angel of God appeared when the first announcement was made of each of their missions. (M* Exodus 3:1-10. J* Luke 1:26-33. JS* JSH 1:30-35.)

5. God spoke to each of them face to face as a man speaks to a friend. (M* Exodus 33:11; Numbers 12:6-8; Deuteronomy 34:10. J* John 6:46; 10:15; Matthew 11:27. JS* Joseph Smith History 1:17-19)

6. They were all considered as unlearned and inadequate to perform any special mission. (M* Exodus 4:10. J* Matthew 13:54-58. 1 Corinthians 1:26-27. JS* In 1834 Isaac Hale, Joseph’s father in law, is reported as saying this about Joseph: “His appearance at this time, was that of a careless young man - not very well educated …” -- Howe, p. 263)

7. Each had a spokesman to help prepare the way before them. (M* Exodus 3:10-11; 4:10-16. J* Luke 1:76-79. JS* 2 Nephi 3:16,18.)

8. They were all Israelites, being descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (M* Exodus 2:1-10. J* Matthew 1:1. JS* 2 Nephi 3:7-12.)

9. They each had a brother who became a high official among the people of God. (M* Exodus 4:14-30. J* Matthew 13:55-56; Galatians 1:18-19; Acts 1:15-26. JS* D&C 124:1,91-95.)

10. Each were criticized by members of their own family because of unbelief. (M* Numbers 12:1-9) J* John 7:3-8. JS* History of the Church 2:296-297, 338.)

11. Each went to their highest governing official for hearings, but to no avail. (M* Exodus 5:1-4. J* Luke 23:1,6-12. JS* History of the Church 4:40.)

12. They each performed more miracles than any other prophet in their era. (M* There are sixty-two incidents listed in the Old Testament which are classified as miracles. Twenty-two are attributed to Moses. The next highest number of miracles attributed to an Old Testament Prophet is twelve by Elisha. Joshua performed nine miracles and Elijah performed seven… . (see Regency Publishing House, pp. 661-662). J* There are seventy-one incidents listed in the New Testament which are classified as miracles. Thirty-eight of them are attributed to Jesus. The next highest number of miracles attributed to a New Testament personality is ten by Paul. Peter performed five … (see Regency Publishing House, pp. 663-664). JS* It is an accepted fact among the Latter-day Saints that Joseph performed more miracles than any other person since the restoration of the gospel.)

13. They each took three special witnesses and experienced a divine manifestation from God. (M* Exodus 24:1-10. J* Matthew 17:1-5. JS* The Book of Mormon, Testimony of Three Witnesses.)

14. In addition to the three special witnesses, they each had another group of witnesses who had a similar experience with them. (M* Exodus 24:1-2, 9-10. J* Acts 1:2-3. JS* The Book of Mormon, Testimony of Eight Witnesses.)

15. Witnesses testified that each of them were transfigured and their faces shone brightly. (M* Exodus 34:30-35. J* Matthew 17:1-2; Mark 9:2-3. JS* Shortly before his martyrdom, Joseph saw in vision the mountainous valleys in the west to which his people would be driven. Anson Call, who was present at the time, recorded the event. ’I had before seen him in vision, and now saw while he was talking his countenance change to white; not the deadly white of a bloodless face, but a living brilliant white … It is impossible to represent in words this scene which is still vivid in my mind, of the grandeur of Joseph’s appearance, his beautiful descriptions of this land, and his wonderful prophetic utterances as they emanated from the glorious inspiration that overshadowed him." (Gibbons, pp. 40-41)

16. They were each mediators of the covenants of the saints in their dispensations. (M* Hebrews 8:4-7; 9:19-22. J* Hebrews 8:6; 9:15-16; 1 Timothy 2:5-6. JS* D&C 22:1-3; 28:2; 35:17; 112:15; 115:19.)

17. All three started a new dispensation of the gospel.

18. As major prophets, they were considered “as a god” to their people. (M* Exodus 4:16; 7:1; 18:19-20. J* Matthew 1:23; John 14:9-11. JS* History of the Church 6:319-320; Psalm 82:6; John 10:34-35).

19. Each organized a quorum of twelve men to stand with them as leaders to their people. (M* Numbers 1:4-16. J* Matthew 10:1-6. JS* History of the Church 2:181-187.)

20. Each organized seventy elders among the people. (M* Numbers 11:16-25. J* Luke 10:1, 17-20. JS* D&C 107:25-26; History of the Church 2:201-202.)

21. Each foretold their “deaths.” They knew approximately when and where they would “die.” (M* Deuteronomy 32:48-52. J* Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:17-19. JS* History of the Church 6:555.)

22. Each freely offered to give their lives for their people. (M* Exodus 32:31-32. J* John 6:51; 10:15-18. JS* History of the Church 6:547-560.)

[Almon Fackrell, Parallels of Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith, pp. 49-152]

2 Nephi 3:9 And he [Joseph] shall be great like unto Moses (Illustration): Parallels Relating to Moses, Jesus, and Joseph Smith [Almon Fackrell, Parallels of Moses, Jesus and Joseph Smith, pp. 49-152]

2 Nephi 3:9 Scriptures referring to Moses ([Illustration] writing about Christ. [Cristian Heal. Brown Bag Presentnation: Josesph as a Type of Chrit in Syriac Literature.

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
