“Arise from the Dust My Sons and Be Men”

Brant Gardner

Literature: Lehi’s plea becomes even more poignant, invoking his approaching death as a reason for his sons’ change. He desires that they repent and change so that he can die in joy, not sorrow.

Verses 21–22 parallel verses 17–18 in the two penalties. In 17–18 Lehi presents the alternatives as his concerns; here, he warns his sons against taking either path. Verse 22 reprises verse 18 only in the sore cursing, leaving out the details of the generations. Lehi’s logic is clear: if his sons repent, then the generations that follow will not be cursed.

“Arise from the dust”: The context of the phrase follows being “brought down… to the grave.” Therefore, they are to “arise.” The “dust” is to be seen as parallel to “grave.”

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
