“Millenium Days - As Calves of the Stall”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

The time is fast approaching when the Holy One will reign in great glory (the millennial era) and the righteous will be led “as calves of the stall”; in other words, “the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation” (D&C 45:58). The pastoral image is peaceful and pleasant: all the sheep are gathered into one fold and will come to know their Shepherd; “he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture.”

With the Holy One reigning and his people dwelling in righteousness, Satan has no power. He has no power over their hearts “because of the love of God which [will] dwell in the hearts of the people” (4 Nephi 1:15). The righteous don’t allow the devil into their hearts because “light and truth forsake that evil one” (D&C 93:37).

President Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “There are many among us who teach that the binding of Satan will be merely the binding which those dwelling on the earth will place upon him by their refusal to hear his enticings. This is not so. He will not have the privilege during that period of time to tempt any man.” 63 Satan will be bound not only by the native righteousness of the millennial Saints but also by priesthood power that will cast him out and will not allow him the exercise of any influence. He will be sealed off from us by the power of God. 64

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 1
