“He Will Preserve the Righteous by His Power wherefore the Righteous Need Not Fear”

Bryan Richards

Many have worried how selective the Lord will be when he separates the wheat from the tares. Many have suggested that some of the righteous must inevitably suffer in the destructions which are to attend the Second Coming. Nevertheless, the Lord has given the righteous the promise that they will be preserved. He has also said, verily it is a day of sacrifice and a day for the tithing of my people; for he that is tithed shall not be burned at his coming (DC 64:23). Although many have considered the payment of tithing as the best type of fire insurance available, there is one caveat. The section heading for DC 119 explains that at the time this revelation was given, the term, "tithing," refers to "not just one tenth, but all free-will offerings, or contributions, to the Church funds." One may safely conclude that if the sacrifice has been great enough in the eyes of the Lord (in the payment of tithing, fast-offerings, sacrifice of one's time and talents), there is no reason to fear the destructions of the last days. The Lord is able to preserve the righteous by his power.

Mark E. Petersen

"... in these, the last days, the Lord has predicted that there shall be two simultaneous movements. One of these movements is the great tribulation that shall come upon the world. The wicked will destroy the wicked.
"The other great movement which will be going forward simultaneously is that there shall be a stone cut out of the mountain without hands, and it shall roll forth and eventually fill the whole earth. The Church to which you and I belong is that stone. It has been cut out of the mountain without hands, and your destiny and mine is to help roll it forth. (D&C 65:2.)
"Now do you suppose for one moment that the judgments of God are going to interfere with the progress of his work? He is consistent, isn't he? Although he will pou

