“They Crucify the God of Israel”

Brant Gardner

This prophecy, we know from hindsight, was fulfilled; but we probably do not appreciate how painful the topic must have been for Nephi. He is talking about his home city and his people. The fact that his beloved Messiah will be killed in Jerusalem must have been bitter indeed to him.

Variant/Translation: The printer’s manuscript changed to “crucify” the original manuscript’s “crucified.” Joseph made other changes to shift this verse (and v. 14) to the present tense from the past. The event which was future to Nephi was past to him. (See a similar slip in tense described following 1 Nephi 15:12–13.) The translation/scribal process did not put Joseph and Oliver in an unthinking trance—quite the opposite; and evidence of their participation is only to be expected.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
