1 Nephi 17:46 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
yea and ye know that by his word he can cause [that 01A| BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] rough places [ 0A|NULL >js to 1|to BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] be made smooth and smooth places shall be broken up

In this write-up, I proposed that the modal verb shall was lost early on in the transmission of the text, that an original “he can cause that rough places shall be made smooth” was written down in 𝓞 as “he can cause that rough places be made smooth” (that is, as a subjunctive that- clause). The main evidence for this emendation is the consistency of the text: elsewhere there are 135 instances of the verb cause taking a that- clause as complement, and in each of those cases the verb in the that- clause is a modal, usually should (121 times) but shall also occurs (11 times). In fact, that modal shows up in the following conjoined clause, “and smooth places shall be broken up”.

Despite this argument from consistency in the text, there is evidence in favor of the earlier reading here in 1 Nephi 17:46. Brent Kerby points out (personal communication, 28 April 2009) that a subjunctive that- clause for the verb cause does occur in the King James Bible:

Kerby also argues that there are other verbs in the Book of Mormon that can take that- clauses in the subjunctive, including the possibility of having a conjoined clause that takes a modal verb:

More generally, a conjunctive subordinate clause can begin with a subjunctive verb form and then be followed by a verb form in the indicative:

(For additional examples of such mixtures of mood in conjunctive subordinate clauses, see under Moroni 7:44.) Examples like these argue that the earliest reading in 1 Nephi 17:46, although unusual, is possible. The critical text will therefore revert to the earliest reading here and accept it as the original reading. (As already discussed, Joseph Smith’s emendation for the 1837 edition, “he can cause rough places to be made smooth”, is unnecessary.)

Summary: Reverse the decision to emend 1 Nephi 17:46 by adding the modal verb shall; the earliest reading (“he can cause that rough places be made smooth”) is possible and will therefore be maintained in the critical text.

Nephi 17:46, page 373, line –8

[ 1] Nephi 19:10, page 403, line –10

[ 1] Nephi 19:10, page 405, line 6

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 1
