“I Nephi, Did Make Out of Wood a Bow”

K. Douglas Bassett

refer in this text to Mosiah 24:14-15

“Obedient as Nephi was, his obedience did not shield him from afflictions. The Book of Mormon teaches that opposition is a necessary part of life’s test. Nephi’s bow broke in the wilderness, even though his family needed food. Today righteous Saints lose their jobs even though they have paid their tithing and magnified their Church callings. The test of the ‘broken bow’ is not only for the one who breaks the bow but also for those affected by the break… . Yet Nephi found a solution to his dilemma in one simple act: ‘I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow’ (1 Nephi 16:23). Instead of murmuring, Nephi simply went to work and made another bow. Murmuring wastes time, lengthens one’s journey, and hardens one’s heart… . God may not always stop bows from breaking, but he does help in the construction of new ones.” (Dennis L. Largey, Doctrines of the Book of Mormon, 1991 Sperry Symposium, p. 61)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
