“A Marvelous Work Which Shall Be Everlasting”

Monte S. Nyman

Much of the interpretation given for verses one through four above is taken from the three verses just quoted. The judgment upon the righteous and the wicked being everlasting was not commented on (v. 7). This statement seems to refute the idea of progression from one kingdom of glory to another after the final judgment. Being destroyed temporarily (v. 7), but the soul not being destroyed (v. 3), suggests a permanent or “endless state… , which is after the resurrection of the dead” (Alma 12:24). If resurrected to a telestial body, it would never become a terrestrial or celestial body. Being destroyed spiritually is defined in the Book of Mormon as to “die as to things pertaining unto righteousness” (Alma 12:16), or to be “cut off from the presence of the Lord” (Alma 42:9). In other words they will not go to the celestial kingdom. Although there are other statements that seems to refute this idea we will not comment further at this time.

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Nephi Wrote This Record
