“Goeth Forth Unto All the Nations”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

The collection of sacred books, thus limited, is given to all nations as the "Bible."

The first Bible society for the purpose of distributing Bibles was formed in 1710 by Baron Karl Hildebrand von Canstein, Halle, Germany, and by the year 1834 this institute had distributed 2,754,350 copies of the Bible, and about two million copies of the New Testament. The American Bible Society, founded in 1816, in 1930, had distributed in all, 216,189,915 copies of the Bible. The British and Foreign Bible Society alone has distributed the sacred volume in 450 different languages and dialects, and altogether, the Scriptures are now available in more than 500 tongues. Thus, the vision of Nephi has come true.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
