1 Nephi 11:32-36

Brant Gardner

Nephi sees more of the Savior’s earthly ministry. In particular, he sees his death at the hands of the people. He is lifted up on a cross. Nephi was probably familiar with some form of crucifixion as he gives only the barest description. Nephi’s brother, Jacob, will later mention picking up one’s cross, which is another clear allusion to New Testament language, but to the procession before the crucifixion, rather than the lifting up on the cross.

It is probable that the language of the cross is part of the translation. Certainly, the idea and imagery of the cross in association with the earthly Messiah fades in the Book of Mormon. It is not a New World image and therefore has no lasting impact, contrary to the critical importance of the image to early Old World Christianity.

The vision of the symbols moves from seeing what would become history to the more symbolic class between the entities that Nephi will label the Church of God and the great and abominable Church of the Devil. The great and spacious building is linked to the great and abominable church that wars against God’s plan. Nephi sees that God will ultimately triumph.

This is not a chapter ending in the 1830 edition.

Book of Mormon Minute
