1 Nephi 11:28-31

Brant Gardner

Nephi’s understanding of the vision perhaps imputed an expectation that was never quite met during Jesus’s mortal ministry. Nephi saw Jehovah condescend to come to earth, and of course sees him “in power and great glory.” The crowds who saw and heard him on earth could appreciate his message, but few glimpsed the power and great glory that Nephi knew he embodied.

This section of the vision shows the quick essentials of Jesus’s ministry. As such, it is interesting what is selected to be shown. Nephi sees Jesus, and angels, ministering to the children of men. Specifically, he mentions healing. He doesn’t mention teaching. He doesn’t mention sermons. He mentions healing.

Nephi probably expected that the Israelites would know doctrine. What he saw was compassion, but more importantly, the healing witness that declared that this was a man above men. In that ancient time, this was miraculous healing, and an obvious declaration of the power and great glory that otherwise they could not see.

Book of Mormon Minute
