“Seek the Records”

Brant Gardner

The brass plates prove to be extremely important to the progress of the eventual Nephites. They play a pivotal role in several scenarios which become foundations for the Nephite belief and culture:

  1. The acquisition of the brass plates establishes Nephi as a leader in the band. This begins the fulfillment of the prophecy given to Nephi from the Lord that he should ascend over his elder brethren.
  2. The brass plates probably provide the model for the plates of Nephi. Not only are Nephi's plates also composed of metal, but the brass plates appear to be written in reformed Egyptian, and that is also used for writing Nephi's record.
  3. The theology of the brass plates plays an important role in the development of Nephite religion, with several brass plate prophets being quoted in the preaching of Nephi and Jacob (and some later).
  4. The brass plates provide a tie to their Old World culture, which appears to provide an anchor to which certain practices are tied. The brass plates are used as the reason why the Nephite culture did not change to the extent of the Mulekite culture.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
