Why did Laman and Lemuel believe Jerusalem could not be destroyed?

Thomas R. Valletta

Latter-day Saint scholars David Seely and Fred Woods stated: “The biblical record contains much information that helps us to better understand the attitude of Laman and Lemuel and many of their fellow inhabitants of Jerusalem and to identify the basis for their fervent belief that their city Jerusalem was invincible and impregnable.” Their study examines six factors that led to this mistaken idea: (1) the traditions of “That Great City”; (2) misunderstanding of covenant promises; (3) precedent of miraculous preservation during the Assyrian invasion; (4) strong defensive fortifications; (5) the Josiah reformation, which gave them a false sense of security; and (6) false prophets who had misled many (“How Could Jerusalem, ‘That Great City,’ Be Destroyed?” 595–96).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
