“Abominations of the Lamanites and Nephites”

Monte S. Nyman

The Lamanites were guilty of murder and forced cannibalism (v. 8). However, the Nephites were worse. They raped the female prisoners before murdering them through torture, and then were willing cannibals themselves (vv. 11–13). The reason for this abomination can only be that Satan had gained complete control of their minds as well as their bodies. They had persisted in their own carnal nature, rebelled against God, and the devil had all power over them (see Mosiah 16:5). Mormon not only knew that God’s judgments would come, but consented them to end such horrific abominations (Moroni 9:14–15). The flood that destroyed the inhabitants of the world was an act of mercy because the new generations would have little if any chance to choose between good and evil. Mormon recognized the same dilemma for the Nephite civilization. The Lord “destroyeth the nations of the wicked” when they are “ripe in iniquity” (1 Nephi 17:37; 35; see also Genesis 15:16).

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Mormon Make a Record
