“The Army of Coriantumr Did Pitch Their Tents by the Hill Ramah”

Alan C. Miner

Richardson, Richardson and Bentley note that the names and meaning of Ramah and Rameumptom are given in the Book of Mormon--that of Ramah to a high hill (Ether 15:11), and Rameumptom to a high and "holy stand" used by a group of apostate Zoramites for offering vain prayers (Alma 31:21). These names are not only authentic, but carry the same meanings as similar ancient Near Eastern words. Rah-mah means "height" or "high place." Ra'am is Hebrew for "high," or "to rise:--be lifted up." It is interesting that though the name Ramah is listed throughout the bible together with its variants of Raamah and Rama, the meaning of this strange word is not given in the sacred text. It highly significant, therefore, that the Book of Mormon utilizes these words and gives their meaning which Joseph Smith would not have known--being relatively uneducated. [Allen H. Richardson, David E. Richardson and Anthony E. Bentley, 1000 Evidences for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Part Two-A Voice from the Dust: 500 Evidences in Support of the Book of Mormon, p. 233] [See the commentary on Alma 31:21]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
