“By the Hill Ramah”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

The success of Shiz was of short duration. The forces of Coriantumr, determined to revenge the apparent loss of their leader, redoubled their efforts and drove Shiz and his supporters from the field. These fled to a place called Ogath, southward from the battlefield at the lake shore. (v. 10) This, Orson Pratt says: "Brought them into the region, near the Hill, called by the Nephites, Cumorah."

Coriantumr selected the country close by this Hill, which the Jaredites called Ramah, as his military headquarters. "It was there," Moroni says, "where my father, Mormon, did hide up the records unto the Lord, which were sacred." (v. 11)

There are now two great military camps, or headquarters, one at Ogath and one at Ramah. There the preparations were made for what was the last historic struggle.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 6
