“There Began to Be a War Upon All the Face of the Land”

Alan C. Miner

In Ether 13:25 we find that "there began to be a war upon all the face of the land, every man with his band fighting for that which he desired." According to Hugh Nibley, the combing of the land for recruits did not include the entire continent, for it completely overlooked the Nephites, Lamanites, and Mulekites living on it. And who is to say that given thousands of years to wander in, plus a great tradition of hunting and nomadism, no Jaredites could have gone to the outermost limits of the continent (avoiding the war)? Ether is writing the history of one nation only, and Moroni presenting less than one percent of that history (Ether 15:33)-- a few renegades are no concern of theirs. [Hugh Nibley, The World of the Jaredites, Vol. 5, F.A.R.M.S., p. 249]

Geographical [Theory Map]: Ether 14:3 - 14:11 Brother of Shared Claims Land of Moron (Chronology)

Coriantumr Fights with Lib ([Illustration])

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
