Ether 11:9 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and it came to pass that Shiblon was slain and Seth was brought into captivity and [he 1A| BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] did dwell in captivity all his days

Here the 1837 edition omitted the subject pronoun he, ending up with a conjoined predicate that works well enough. But since the original reading with the he works perfectly well, the critical text will restore it.

In this part of the text, there are a number of other cases where the subject pronoun he has been omitted from a conjoined clause:

In each of these cases, the critical text will maintain the original he. Note that the initial reading in Ether 14:3 presents an interesting syntactic construction, namely, an existential there-clause immediately followed by a conjoined predicate but without any explicit subject (“behold there arose the brother of Shared and gave battle unto Coriantumr”). This kind of construction actually occurs elsewhere in the text of the Book of Mormon; for some discussion, see under Alma 21:5.

Repetition of the subject he in conjoined clauses is quite common in the text, including cases involving the auxiliary verb do. In addition to the cases here in Ether 11:9 and Ether 14:17, there are a couple of other examples in this part of the text:

Summary: Restore in Ether 11:9 the subject pronoun he in the conjoined clause (“and he did dwell in captivity all his days”); this kind of conjunctive repetition of the subject pronoun is very common in the Book of Mormon text.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 6
