“It Shall He a Testimony Unto the Father That Ye Do Always Remember Me”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
The covenant to “always remember him” involves much more than just pondering on his mission and sacrifice during sacrament meeting or mentally recounting events from his life. These things are important, but “always remembering him” implies motion more than memory-actions of service to our fellowman and obedience to the Lord. In the context of the sacramental covenant, the word remember is linked to the word follow. Fulfilling our covenant to always remember the Lord necessitates following his example and keeping his commandments. (For an excellent discussion of what fully remembering Christ means see Dallin H. Oaks, “Always Remember Him,” Ensign, May 1988, pp. 29-32.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
