“Tarry a Little Longer with Them”

Jana Reiss

Although Jesus was ready to finish his teaching for the day, he is filled with compassion for the people and agrees to “tarry a little longer” and heal their sick. Harvard Divinity School professor Krister Stendahl has observed some distinct differences between 3 Nephi and the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew, Jesus healed those who were brought to him on a case-by-case basis, but in 3 Nephi he invites “all them that were afflicted in any manner.” Critics have argued that this reflects the desire of Joseph Smith—whom they believe to be the “real” author of the Book of Mormon—to depict Jesus in an even more grand and supernatural way than he is presented in the New Testament. Mormon apologists counter that this reflects the Savior’s postresurrection divinity as opposed to the unique blend of humanity and divinity that characterized his mortal life.

The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated & Explained
