“I Do Not Destroy That Which Hath Been Spoken Concerning Things Which Are to Come”

Bryan Richards

Because the Law of Moses has been fulfilled, can we just throw away the Old Testament? The scriptures would certainly be easier to carry without it. The answer is obvious, but there are many saints who have effectively thrown away their Old Testament because they never read it. I remember attending a stake meeting as a teenager. The speaker asked for a raise of hands as he asked the congregation, "how many of you have read the Book of Mormon? How many of you have read the New Testament? How many of you have read the Doctrine and Covenants?" And finally, he asked, "how many of you have read the Old Testament?" I will never forget how few hands were raised to that last question. It was as if nearly all the members had felt that the doctrines of the Old Testament just weren't important.

There are many great Old Testament prophecies which still await fulfillment. Isaiah spoke more about the Millenium than any other prophet. Ezekiel saw the final battle of Armageddon and detailed a beautiful Millenial temple yet to be built. Daniel saw the latter-day kingdom of God which was to stand forever. Zechariah chronicled the siege against Jerusalem which is to directly precede the Second Coming. Malachi teaches us of tithing and the return of priesthood keys at the hand of Elijah. Obadiah spoke of saviors on Mount Zion. Certainly, these are things we should be interested in. If we ignore the Old Testament, we ignore some of the greatest prophecies ever given. The Savior said, I do not destroy the prophets, for as many as have not been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto you, shall all be fulfilled. Yet there is little difference between Old Testament prophecies which have been destroyed and Old Testament prophecies which have never been read.

