“All Things Whatsoever Ye Would That Men Should Do to You Do Ye Even So to Them”

Bryan Richards

David B. Haight

"Someone said, 'We have committed the Golden Rule to memory. May we now commit it to life.' The Savior's teaching, 'Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,' should be the basis for all human relationships…The time is now to rededicate our lives to eternal ideals and values, to make those changes that we may need to make in our own lives and conduct to conform to the Savior's teachings. From the beginning to the end of His ministry, Jesus asked His followers to adopt new, higher standards in contrast to their former ways. As believers, they were to live by a spiritual and moral code that would separate them not only from the rest of the world but also even from some of their traditions. He asks nothing less of those who follow Him today." (Ensign, Nov. 1987, p. 15 as taken from The Mount & The Master by Robert E. Wells, pp. 180-1)

Gordon B. Hinckley

"May I remind us . . . that if only each of us would reflect occasionally on that Christ-given mandate and make an effort to observe it, this would be a different world. There would be greater happiness in our homes; there would be kinder feelings among our associates; there would be much less of litigation and a greater effort to compose differences. There would be a new measure of love and appreciation and respect.
"There would be more generous hearts, more thoughtful consideration and concern, and a greater desire to spread the gospel of peace and to advance the work of salvation among the children of men. (Ensign, December 1991, p. 4.)

Robert E. Wells

"Some authors state that Confucius taught a form of the Golden Rule twenty-five centuries ago. It was the reversal from that of the Savior's. He purportedly said: 'What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others.' These same experts on ancient religious philosophy point out that Zoroaster taught the same concept in Persia several hundred years before Confucius. Five hundred years after Confucius, Christ taught the concept but used it in the positive form we find in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Perhaps someday we will learn that it was also taught in the beginning by Adam and all the prophets down through the ages. It is a timeless and an uplifting concept. It is one of those eternal principles that we recognize as such from the first time we read it." (The Mount & The Master, p. 183)

