“For with What Judgment Ye Judge Ye Shall Be Judged”

Bryan Richards

The scriptures do not categorically prohibit judging. Rather, the Joseph Smith Translation of Matt 7:1, says, Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged: but judge righteous judgment. Daily, we are to discern good from evil. This inevitably includes discerning good or evil in the actions of others. But when our discernment turns to gossip and condemnation, we are in danger of the same short-sighted, unmerciful treatment.

Milton R. Hunter

"Throughout my life…I have observed that as a rule it seems as if human beings like to gossip. We like to hear unsavory things about our neighbors and talk about each other. It seems that ofttimes we get a certain degree of satisfaction or even joy out of saying bad things about other people. We thoughtlessly and sometimes maliciously judge each other. We censure our associates sometimes unjustly, many times unkindly; and most of the time we speak without having the evidence to back up what we are saying. We seem to forget that James, the brother of the Lord, warned that the unbridled tongue is 'full of deadly poison.' (James 3:8.)
"I know that even sometimes people who are faithful in the Church pass judgment and condemnation on those with whom they associate without knowing the facts. Such is displeasing to God." (Conference Report, Oct. 1960, p. 64)

Spencer W. Kimball

"What a monster is prejudice! It means pre-judging. How many of us are guilty of it? Often we think ourselves free of its destructive force, but we need only to test ourselves. Our expressions, our voice tones, our movements, our thoughts betray us." (Conference Report, Apr. 1954, p. 106)

Spencer W. Kimball

"One man came in with his erring wife, and when she had been disciplined by dis-fellowshipment he taunted her, saying, 'Now, how do you like it? You can't take the sacrament. Now don't you wish you had listened to me?' As this despicable husband was judging, it reminded me of the corrupt men who brought the adulteress to the Lord, whose soft answer puts all such accusers to flight: 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.' (John 8:7.) The scriptures are very strict upon the unauthorized judging. The Lord himself made it clear and emphatic:

'Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.' (Matt. 7:1-2.)

"The Lord will judge with the same measurements meted out by us. If we are harsh, we should not expect other than harshness. If we are merciful with those who injure us, he will be merciful with us in our errors. If we are unforgiving, he will leave us weltering in our own sins.
"While the scriptures are plain in their declaration that man shall have meted out to him the same measure that he gives his fellowmen, the meting out even of warranted judgment is not for the layman, but for proper authorities in Church and state. The Lord will do the judging in the final analysis.
"…The Lord can judge men by their thoughts as well as by what they say and do, for he knows even the intents of their hearts; but this is not true of humans. We hear what people say, we see what they do, but being unable to discern what they think or intend, we often judge wrongfully if we try to fathom the meaning and motives behind their actions and place on them our own interpretation." (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 267-8)

Jeffrey R. Holland

"Remember that whatever you toss out mentally or verbally comes back to you according to God's plan of compensation: 'For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.' (Matthew 7:2.) A critical, petty, or vicious remark is simply an attack on our own self-worth. On the other hand, if our minds are constantly seeing good in others, that, too, will return, and we will truly feel good about ourselves." (On Earth As It Is In Heaven, p. 29)

