Memories: A Prophet’s Testimony

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

It was an unusual invitation. The leaders of some two dozen Utah stakes were asked to meet on a particular day at the Manti Temple for a solemn assembly with President David O. McKay and the other General Authorities. There was much conjecture about the nature and purpose of the meeting. What new policy or doctrinal innovation might be forthcoming that would require such a solemn gathering? I remember the sense of anticipation we felt as a bishopric while motoring down to the meeting. The assembly room of the temple was packed with many hundreds of priesthood leaders, all of whom were honored to have the sacrament blessed and passed to them by General Authorities. Then there was rapt silence as the prophet arose, a tall and stately figure of leadership with his silver hair and white suit, and announced to us the reason he had brought us all together—simply to confirm that Jesus is the Christ, that He lives, and that He is at the head of this work. It was a powerful reminder about what is of primary and pre-eminent importance in this world—the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the reality of His life and mission. All were edified to be thus filled with the words of inspiration. All rejoiced in the compassion of a just Father in Heaven and His Son to have opened the way for the faithful and valiant to return one day to Their holy presence. No one in attendance will ever forget the witness of the Spirit that day that God lives, that His prophet speaks for Him, and that life is indeed full of joy and hope. (Richard J. Allen)

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
