Cities of Jacob Gadiandi Gadiomnah and Gimgimno Jacobugath Laman Josh Gad and Kishkumen

Alan C. Miner

There are nine destroyed cities listed in 3 Nephi 9:8-10. We can speculate that either the city of Jacob or the city of Jacobugath, or both, were in the land northward for the following reasons: (1) King Jacob's activity four or five years prior to the destruction involved going into the northernmost part of the land to build up a kingdom (3 Nephi 7:12); and (2) The Nephite custom was to name the land after the person who settled it. (Alma 8:7, Ixtlilxochitl: 22) Perhaps one could say that the other seven cities listed were in the land northward also.

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
