“They Did Destroy the Government of the Land”

Bryan Richards

The biggest mistake that a parasite can make is to destroy its host. The wicked secret combinations had proved the destruction of the government and thereby destroyed their main source of strength and authority. The Gadianton robbers much preferred to control the Nephite government from within rather than have to separate from the Nephites and fight them as opposing armies. But the regulations of the government were destroyed and with it went the authority of the combining judges. The lesson to us is to be careful not to let modern secret combinations destroy the government.

Joseph Fielding Smith

"Now I tell you it is time the people of the United States were waking up with the understanding that if they don't save the Constitution from the dangers that threaten it, we will have a change of government." (Conference Report, Apr. 1950, p. 159 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 402)

Joseph Smith

"Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction." (quoted in Journal of Discourses 7:15 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 403)

