“Fell to the Earth and Became as If They Were Dead”

Brant Gardner

As with other signs, some became believers while still others rationalized the sign away. In this case, Mormon emphasized those who were converted by the sign. Their conversion is marked by the convention that they “fell to the earth and became as if they were dead.” This manifestation communicates being overcome by the Spirit as seen during the conversions of Alma2, (Mosiah 27:18, 23), Lamoni (Alma 19:42), and Lamoni’s father (Alma 22:18).

Variant: This verse was restored to its 1830 reading in 1981. For editions from 1837 through 1976, it read “for the signal which had been given.… ” There is no record of why “sign” was changed to “signal” in 1837, although it occurred during Joseph’s lifetime and presumably with his authorization. The basic meaning was not altered, but “sign” seems to be more meaningful because it connotes a symbol as well as being a signal.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 5
