“Did Wax Stronger and Stronger in Their Pride and in Their Wickedness”

Church Educational System

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “the devil always sets up his kingdom at the very same time in opposition to God” (History of the Church, 6:364). Whenever the Savior’s Church is established or strengthened, the adversary seeks to create resistance in one form or another to battle the progress made by the Saints of God. We see an example of Satan’s opposition emerge in Helaman 11. The Gadianton robbers had been swept off the land. The righteous Nephite and Lamanite members of the Church had great peace (see Helaman 11:21). Only a few years passed, however, before Satan’s influence on the people led them to return to iniquity and allowed the Gadianton robbers to regain their power and influence.

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
