“He Immediately Sent Forth Lehi with an Army Round About”

Alan C. Miner

Helaman 1:28 mentions the military leader Lehi. Lehi had last been heard of at the city of Moroni in Alma 62:32-38 as the Nephites were finishing up driving the Lamanites out of their land at the end of the 31st year. Here, Moronihah orders Lehi to go forth with an army "round about to head [the Lamanites] before they should come to the land Bountiful." This order by Moronihah was done on emergency notice and so Lehi was either very near chief captain Moronihah or in a position to travel "round about" and head Coriantumr before he came to the land Bountiful. Apparently, both Moronihah and Lehi were somewhere near the "center of the land." [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
