“Paanchi Flatter Away Those People to Rise Up in Rebellion Against Their Brethren”

Brant Gardner

Paanchi is the contrast to Pacumeni. Where Pacumeni accepted the voice of the people, Paanchi does not. He has his own supporters, and while they were not sufficiently numerous to hold the day, they are nevertheless numerous enough that they are able to form a significant body. Paanchi uses his influence over this body of people to “rise up in rebellion.” This is a process that we have seen several times in the last fifty years of Nephite history. We have had several cases where internal divisions have arisen, and either resulted in defection to the Lamanites, attempted departure to the north, or armed internal rebellion. Paanchi is following in that trend, and certainly has the following to press his case.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
