“The Sons of Alma Did Go Forth Among the People to Declare the Word”

W. Cleon Skousen

In the previous seven chapters we have dealt with Alma's instructions to his three sons. This may have diverted our attention away from the great military crisis which was occurring as we concluded chapter 35. It will be recalled that the Zoramites were outraged that the Nephites had provided a haven for those of their members who had been converted by Ammon and his missionaries. They had therefore combined with the Lamanites to plan a massive attack on the Nephites. The attack was to be aimed at Jershon, south of Antionum.

The intent was to avenge themselves against their own people -- first, the people of Ammon who had converted by the Nephite missionaries, and more recently, the converts which had been made by Alma and his missionaries. However, the people of Ammon were a special problem since they were under covenant never to shed any more blood. They were therefore moved from Jershon to a territory west of the Sidon River, called Melek. However the Zoramites which had been converted by Alma and his missionaries remained behind to fight. This was the situation when Alma learned that his life's mission would soon be terminated and that is why he had gathered his sons together and given them their final instructions. Then they all went forth to preach to stir up the spirits of the people in preparation for the coming conflict with the Lamanites.

It is interesting that Corianton joined Alma and his two brethren in this last minute campaign to mobilize the spiritual strength of the people.

Treasures from the Book of Mormon
