Corianton’s Sins Were Serious

John W. Welch

Alma did not shy away from acknowledging the severity of Corianton’s sins in Alma 39:5. And from 39:6, it appears that Corianton believed it to be easy to obtain forgiveness for sin, but Alma admonished him: “Yea, I say unto you my son, it is not easy for [a person who knowingly transgresses against the light and knowledge of God] to obtain forgiveness.” It sounds as though Corianton had tried to excuse himself and to dismiss his awful transgressions by downplaying their severity. Alma taught that these are very serious transgressions, and warned, “Behold, ye cannot hide your crimes from God.” This statement only makes sense if Corianton had been under the impression that he could hide his sins from God. Alma followed that by making his point clear, “Now my son I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes” (Alma 39:9), still referring to Corianton as “my son,” in a kindly manner.

In Ammonihah, in Alma 12–13, Alma fought for his own life. Here, however, he is fighting for his son’s life. There is a greater feeling of love and concern, and a real desire to be very clear in a way that was harder when Alma was addressing a whole nation, as in Alma 5, when he could not be quite as specific as he was with Corianton. This guidance for Corianton was likely given toward the end of Alma’s life, as this is the last thing heard from him. It is almost as if he saved the best for last. He may have realized that this was his last chance, and decided to give Corianton all he could. Last words, or last testimonies, tend to have something special about them, such as King Benjamin’s last testimony or Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s final testimony. Alma did not indicate that he was going to be gone, but it may be that some such intuition intensified his text.

Further Reading

Book of Mormon Central, “Why Was Corianton’s Sin So Serious? (Alma 39:5),” KnoWhy 147 (July 20, 2016). “In effect, Corianton metaphorically ‘murdered’ the testimonies of those he was commissioned to bring unto Christ when he was lured away by Isabel.”

Book of Mormon Central, “What Does Alma Say about Avoiding Sexual Sin? (Alma 39:9),” KnoWhy 326, (June 14, 2017).

John W. Welch Notes
