“There Was a Tremendous Slaughter Among the People of Nephi”

Bryan Richards

We should not overlook the great sacrifice of these Nephite warriors. They were not fighting for their lands, wives, and children. They were fighting for converted Lamanites, people who were guilty of great crimes against the Nephite people. Nowhere in this narrative does Mormon tell us that there were any of the Nephites who were opposed to protecting the people of Ammon. The Nephites were not judgmental. They could forgive those who were once their bitter enemies. Not only that, they were willing to die for them. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (Jn 15:13).

Contrast the mercy and great love of these Nephites to our own petty tendencies to be judgmental. We are critical of people within our own church because of the smallest, most insignificant things. We have unnecessary conflicts with neighbors and family members because we have not caught the message of the Book of Mormon. We could learn a great lesson from these Nephites who made the greatest of all sacrifices for those who were once their enemies—and they did it without a word of complaint.

