Concluding Thoughts

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

The initial chapters of the book of Alma remind us of deep and cherished values that the Lord commands us to maintain and cultivate, including the principles of righteous government within a framework of liberty and freedom of conscience, honoring our priesthood covenants in the face of incursions by those operating with priestcraft motivation, and avoiding pride, selfishness, and hard-heartedness at all times, especially when the Lord has blessed us with prosperity. There is only one way to happiness and peace—the Lord’s way. When we go against the word of God or seek to follow our own prideful will instead of the Lord’s will, we separate ourselves from the Lord and the Spirit. Pride surely is the destroyer of happiness. Let us sincerely seek to overcome pride with humility and charity as exemplified by our willingness to follow the Lord and His designated leaders and our selflessness in serving our fellowmen.

The words which Alma, the High Priest according to the holy order of God, delivered to the people in their cities and villages throughout the land. [Note: This preamble was included in the original edition of the Book of Mormon published in 1830.]

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
