“Zeram and Amnor and Manti and Limher”

Alan C. Miner

In Alma 2:22 we find that those whom Alma set out to watch the camp of the Amlicites were called Zeram, and Amnor, and Manti, and Limher. This is the only time in the Book of Mormon that these names appear as personal names. Why then did Mormon put their names in the text?

It is interesting that these names might have some linguistic tie-in to the lands in which these battles were being fought. If this is the case, then these men collectively had the cultural and geographical knowledge to best track the Amlicites through these lands. This proposed linguistic tie-in can be represented as follows:

Zera-m = a representative of the area or land of Zera-hemla

Amn-or = a representative of the area or land surrounding the hill Amn-ihu

Manti = a representative of the area or land of Manti

Limh-er = a representative of the area where the followers of Limh-i settled--near Gideon east of the river Sidon.

[Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Note* the name "Amnor" appears in Alma 11:6 as a value unit of silver.

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
