“Ammon and His Brethren Come into the Land”

Monte S. Nyman

The Nephites had been in bondage to the Lamanites some twenty years. Although the disturbances between the two groups had subsided (v. 22), the Nephites were still bothered by the defected priests of Noah (vv. 20–21). Ammon and his brethren were God-sent. Had the Lord inspired them to come? “They wearied (King Mosiah) with their teasings” in Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:1). This indicates some prodding by another source. Ammon’s words to King Limhi of being “thankful before God” (Mosiah 7:12–13) gives a hint, if only slightly, that it was a mission for them not just a curiosity about their departed brethren from whom they had not heard. Furthermore, Limhi’s “exceedingly great joy” (Mosiah 21:24) suggests that he looked upon them as an answer to prayer. Any one or all three of these incidents support the idea of God playing a part in the men from the land of Zarahemla coming to the land of Lehi-Nephi.

Book of Mormon Commentary: These Records Are True
