“His Priests Had Fled from Them”

Alan C. Miner

Mormon notes that after King Noah was killed by his own people, "they were about to take the priests [of Noah] also and put them to death, and they [the priests of Noah] fled before them" . . . "fled from them farther into the wilderness" (Mosiah 19:21,23). How much "farther" into the wilderness did the priests go? Did the priests flee beyond the boundaries of the local land of Nephi, or did they flee to the borders of the general land of Nephi? If the priests of Noah fled a great distance, how did they come in contact with the daughters of the Lamanites (Mosiah 20:1-5)? And if they fled a great distance, how did these priests "come into the land of Nephi by night, and [carry] off [the people of Limhi's] grain and many of their precious things" (Mosiah 21:21)? The events and locations related to the flight of the priests of Noah present some geographical and chronological problems to be explained in further commentary. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See the commentary on Mosiah 20:1; 21:21]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
