“Rehearse Unto Them All That Had Happened”

Brant Gardner

While Zeniff may have given some information about Zarahemla, he is wise enough to produce Ammon, and have Ammon describe the events that have led to Ammon’s presence among them. This is more than a simple courtesy to allow a visitor to speak. In Ammon, Limhi produces the foundational proof of the existence of both Zarahemla and their hope of deliverance. The undeniable presence of the foreigner among them would have its own interest factor, but the impact of the very person who came from Zarahemla rather than just a promise that such a person existed was tremendous.

Modern societies with modern modes of communication and entertainment have little remembrance of the importance of the new person in the community. In the case of Ammon, he was not only a new person, but one connected with an ancestral land, and one bearing news of a god-fearing people. All of these facets make him tremendously interesting, and exciting. Even more important for Limhi, however, was that Ammon is the tangible connection to Zarahemla – the existence of which Limhi has used a foundation for the renewed hope of his people for delivery from bondage.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
