“I Have Trusted in Thee and I Will Trust in Thee Forever”

Monte S. Nyman

Nephi makes several requests of the Lord and concludes with a personal commitment. He wants the Lord to make him shake at the appearance of sin (v. 31). The mortal man “will justify in committing a little sin” (2 Nephi 28:8). Nephi asks that the gates of hell be shut before him, but realizes it is his responsibility to get them shut through his heart being broken and his spirit contrite (v. 32). He further realizes his dependence on the Lord to attain and retain his righteousness (vv. 32–33).

Nephi commits himself to trust in the arm (power) of the Lord, and not in the arm of flesh (v. 34). This is another characteristic of sanctified man. In our materialistic world the bank account, the intellect, and athletic or physical prowess are a few of the arms of flesh in which we trust. Nephi depends upon prayer to learn what course God wants him to follow (v. 35). Would that we might all be as committed as Nephi.

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Nephi Wrote This Record
