Why Would a Righteous Man Like Lehi Say the Lord Hath Redeemed My Soul from Hell

Bryan Richards

The only reason any of the righteous in spirit paradise were lucky enough to escape the chains of hell was because they had faith in the Holy One of Israel and repented from their sins. Otherwise, they would have been doomed to suffer with the devil and his angels, our spirits must have become like unto him, and we become devils, angels to a devil, to be shut out from the presence of our God, and to remain with the father of lies, in misery (2Ne 9:9). Lehi understood what would have happened to all of God's creation without the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ.

Because of this infinite atonement, almost all the wicked will eventually be redeemed from hell. To be resurrected with a telestial body constitutes redemption from hell. A soul redeemed from hell has, in this sense, been saved. It is the sons of Perdition which, although they will be resurrected, will not be resurrected with any glory whatsoever. Of these the scriptures say, the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power; Yea, verily, the only ones who shall not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord after the sufferings of his wrath. For all the rest shall be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the triumph and the glory of the Lamb (DC 76:37-39).

