2 Nephi 1:1 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
And now it came to pass [ 0ABCDEFGHIJKLNPS|that > NULL 1|that MOQRT] after I Nephi had made an end of teaching my brethren our father Lehi also spake many things unto them

The conjunction that is highly expected after the “come to pass” predicate. In the context of a following after-clause, we usually get that with the preceding “come to pass” predicate (67 times in the original text). But we also have a number of cases where the that is not found. The manuscripts have six cases where no that occurs between an initial “come to pass” predicate and the immediately following subordinate conjunction after. In two of these cases (each marked below with an asterisk), the that does occur but only following the entire after-clause:

Except for the last case, the original manuscript is not extant. In addition to these original examples without the that, Joseph Smith (in his editing for the 1837 edition) created 12 additional cases of “come to pass” immediately followed by a dependent after-clause. Here is one example:

Ten of these 12 examples are in the small plates. The two other examples are found in Alma 30:1–2, one of which was never implemented in the 1837 edition. For a complete list, see that in volume 3.

In this example from 2 Nephi 1:1, the conjunction that was inserted (perhaps accidentally) in the 1905 LDS Chicago edition, and this reading with that has continued in the LDS text up through the current edition. The critical text, in accord with the earliest textual sources, will remove the extra that in this passage.

Summary: Remove the secondary that introduced by the 1905 LDS edition near the beginning of 2 Nephi 1:1.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 1
